First time home buyers often are befuddled when it comes to choosing the best mortgage package. In addition, there is no guarantee of getting your preferred mortgage loan even if you are working with a mortgage professional. First time homebuyers must not sign away the loan they qualified for but instead consider a smaller, more affordable loan.

This can be achieved when the basis set to qualify you is not your income ration and not exactly how much you are prepared to pay monthly. Borrowing the entire loan amount you qualified for can most probably exhaust your monthly resources which nobody would want to happen.

Being specific about the amount to be borrowed can spare you the possibility of having trouble with the payment terms offered by the loan officer. This can also help you adjust your housing expenditures based on your income. These are several ways to help you choose the best mortgage for your new home:

1. Consider the tax benefits. Some mortgages are 'interest only' loans which means you can deduct the entire payment on your taxes for that year. However, loans that are designed with a negative amortization scale won't allow you to deduct interest from your monthly payment.

2. Evaluate the long-term advantages. Whether you're planning to live in your home for 30 years and more or not, it is still advisable to know the pros and cons of your mortgage package. A fixed interest rate loan is somewhat higher in amount but unlike ARM and other loan products, it can safeguard you from changing market conditions. But a fixed interest loan also has its limitations. Smart Consumer's Guide to Home Buying's author, Barron, proposes that the fixed interest rate may increase your payments because of the demands of the escrow account linked with it.

3. Inquire about flexible payment options. Some home mortgage loans allow you to make extra payments towards the principal balance without paying a penalty, which means you can start paying down your mortgage when you have extra funds at your disposal. Find out if your loan products offer this type of flexibility so you can start paying down and be free of debt sooner than later.

4. Look for ways to keep payments low. Even when the lender offers you a large loan, consider cutting back on the loan amount so that you can keep the payments within an affordable range. A low interest rate, long loan term, and the ability to make interest-only payments are a few ways to keep payments as low as possible and within your budget range.

5. Avail yourself of mortgage insurance. Nowadays, majority of people do not have enough resources to pay for down payment. However your down payment can no longer be a problem since it can be provided by mortgage insurance and in some instances, you can even apply for your desired loan without making any kind of down payment.

Author: Alexandria P. Anderson is a MN real estate agent that specializes helping people to find and purchase Minnetonka real estate, as well as Minnetonka Homes for her realty clients.

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