Are you worried about investing your money in real estate? With the general knowledge media spurs that the market is in the tank, who would not feel the same?

Believe it or not, everything that you decide to do with your money involves risk whether it is in investing or just plainly depositing your bills under your mattress! Now you may probably wonder if it is smart to do "nothing" with your money, in this case, keeping it inside your home. You must know that your money is still not free from other forms of destruction like fire, flood, or even theft. Before you even know it, your hard-earned money is gone forever.

But, you say, what if I put my money in a bank safety-deposit box, won't THAT keep my money safe? Yes, it will keep the physical paper currency safe, but remember that the bills are only worth what the current value of the currency is. Over time the buying power of currency goes down (inflation!).

In the United States, the annual inflation rate is approximately 3 percent. In other words, the cost of commodities increases by at least 3 percent every year. Now, what does this imply on the money deposited in your safety box? Definitely, your purchasing power decreases at a fast pace.

Let us have savings account as another example. Fortunately, for those who invested their money in savings accounts, FDIC or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is there to safeguard them. Save for inflation concerns! Even the most successful savings accounts out there could not offset inflation, thus there is a big chance your savings' account interest earnings will not even sound good.

Stocks, some would say, are also promising. However, you should know that stocks investment is like investing in an "idea". How would you feel about owning something that is purely abstract: something you cannot hold or feel? In reality, what you really have is the fact that you allowed your money to be used by entities so that when they flourish, there will be a subsequent gain on the money you shelled out.

The danger here is that you wouldn't surely know how much control you have over such an "idea". In real sense, you actually have almost none. Most people remedy this by doing extensive research on the company or entity's track record as well as the people around it (to predict if the "idea" will work for all of you). Unfortunately, it's hard to tell especially if you are unaware of all the factors involved. Unless you have the desired technical preparation (i.e. its your profession, or you devote your time on research), investing in stocks would save you from much greater risk. This leads us now to the best possible option, the real estate.

Why? Real estate is a TANGIBLE item that is held very closely to you; you can see it, touch it, and improve it. There is very low risk that the physical investment itself will disappear, and even if it does, that's what insurance is for! (Try getting that for your stocks!) And unlike paper currency, the value of your property grows with inflation, so you're not losing purchasing power of your investment every year.

Another great thing about Minnesota real estate is that money is made in multiple ways (these are too numerous to detail for the purpose of this article, but the benefits include huge tax breaks, gained equity through renter-paid debt reduction, equity gained through improvements, and appreciation). As stated in the beginning of the article, no investment is 100% safe, but it is my strong opinion that if done with some foresight, real estate is where you'll find the most bang for your buck as well as the most security for your money.

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